The Rise of Edible Packaging

 This blog examines how food companies are adapting to the new principles of sustainable business practices.

Today, the global market for plastic packaging is on the rise and has continued to be valued at an estimated $ 450 billion in 2027, accumulated plastic wastes in the landfills and the oceans pose severe threats. However, there has been a relative solution which has been developed known as edible packaging. Captive an estimated $275 million market, food companies are now adopting this unique and environmentally friendly option over normal plastic or paper material packaging.

Organic and natural food wrappers like marine alga, rice paper or even compounds derived from fruits bear several advantages. It does not require the use of disposable containers, of which are environmentally unfriendly due to the pollution caused by them. Also, edible packaging materials are biodegradable and consequently disintegrate without harming the environment besides not contributing to general landfill waste.

Edible packaging is also acknowledged to have a low material input per unit of packaging and produces significantly less energy and greenhouse gas emissions during production as compared with conventional materials . This is well in line with the increasing consciousness towards environment friendly processes and products as the industry for biodegradable paper and plastics packaging is estimated to grow at a rate of 11% Per Annum Compound Growth between 2024-32.

Some examples include Evoware, an Indonesian business house, that has produced biodegradable edible packaging made of seaweed which can be printed on with dyes from natural sources. This in return helps brands to express their personality as they sell products with long-lasting and environmentally friendly components. Another similar successful example that applies edible packaging is the Youngs’ Seafood, the company from UK that use water-soluble films on the newly-developed series of Simply Steam frozen seafood ; when reheated in microwave oven, the film dissolves into steam which actually cooks the product, while the packaging material itself is biodegradable.

The advancement in edible packaging makes a lot of sense for consumers and it helps brands to establish a stronger image, especially as consumers today are more environmentally friendly.. Edible Packaging has definitely shown the possible horizon for it in its infancy with M & A, further innovation and cooperation between the producers, the suppliers and the packaging manufacturers. In essence, by incorporating this sustainable strategy, the food industry has a chance to transform and transition into the Green Economy.

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