Handmade Paper by Tribes

While exploring different Sustainability products, One of them that is innovative and I find quite captivating is the area of handmade papers. These authentic, hand-crafted products not only minimize waste but also provide a thrill of the historical craft that would be nonexistent in industrialized consumer items.

The art of making handmade papers involves many steps and the activities involved in it are rigorous and delicate in nature. 

The materials utilized, are either reused or they are organic like sand cotton, hemp, and bamboo based materials. It is then combined with water and other chemicals to form a pulp, typically used in paper making. This is then spread onto a flat surface, for instance a bamboo mesh or even a wooden plank in the case of Indianetak friendship bible and left to dry. What the watercolor paper artist achieved is a thick, rigid textured paper unlike the standard papers used in commercial printing techniques.

What sets handmade paper apart from other paper types is the fact that there is always an artistic input on every sheet that is produced. The designers are free to choose fibers, colors, and texture of their choice in order to create some eliciting artistic identity. This level of customization is not only on the outside but it is also practical since the buyer literally gets to embrace the product and its creator.

Handmade papers are not only considered as a responsible approach in comparison with the mass producing papers but they have several practical applications too. Computer users can write on it, draw on it and even hang it on the wall as a decoration unlike in traditional tapes and notebooks. 

Moreover, given the fact that the making of handmade papers can be considered as one of the most significant examples of the capabilities of human fantasy and the necessity of the work on the preservation of the live historical samples of crafts.

Handmade paper is a very interesting product since it does not waste used papers in addition it showcases the arts of handmade talents that attest to the ancient civilization of many people. Due to their features and looks, their ability to be customized and folded in various manners and for versatile uses, they appeal to be a replacement for papers.

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